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Enter your nodeid below. Our server will search the network for public nodes that gives you best additional reach with respect to your already existing channels. It does not take capacities or balances into account, but focuses in maximizing the number of nodes reached in a minimal number of hops.
This only works for public nodes.
Analysis of 026a8cfab2f7cddf7621171f7abf79b7825e5d284ab3729853272c58a0f2ac96fe@ habibitcoin
We found 2 possible zombie channels you can closeBest potential peers for this node ranked after score
Peers that might be zombies
# springcleaning! be craeful!!! # # # the nodes are sorted depending on when they were last seen, oldest one first # # there are two sections, one for lnd and one for c-lightning # # use at your own risk. or don't # # #lnd #02efb8fa2ce5d19fab2d3816c47a6fc9e71976816d324ba900d9a4fa466c629416 02efb8fa2ce5d19fab2d no fresh records of being online lncli closechannel --force aabc44f3d1f4ddbf323e777e8506856d689eb712bfbf9488c8ecebf4b3f89043 0 #03632a82cae255b39f47cf37b2117217a76a7db236827c44df24898499126ee38b IfIwerearichman 338 days offline lncli closechannel --force 7dcc3fbdbb3b69470ea6bef8618a0cc30157dfe242cfd14df0ab6020c776b0c1 0 #c-lightning #02efb8fa2ce5d19fab2d3816c47a6fc9e71976816d324ba900d9a4fa466c629416 02efb8fa2ce5d19fab2d no fresh records of being online lightning-cli close 02efb8fa2ce5d19fab2d3816c47a6fc9e71976816d324ba900d9a4fa466c629416 60 #03632a82cae255b39f47cf37b2117217a76a7db236827c44df24898499126ee38b IfIwerearichman 338 days offline lightning-cli close 03632a82cae255b39f47cf37b2117217a76a7db236827c44df24898499126ee38b 60