Powered by LND

The lightning network backend is still in beta and the network is constantly growing and changing. There could be bugs and sometimes there is not enough liquidity in the channels.

We do our best to monitor and take proactive measures. If something doesn't work, try again later. Use this service at your own risk.

We currently impose a soft limit of 0.10000000 per key.

Need better connectivity?

Enter your nodeid below. Our server will search the network for public nodes that gives you best additional reach with respect to your already existing channels. It does not take capacities or balances into account, but focuses in maximizing the number of nodes reached in a minimal number of hops.

This only works for public nodes.

Analysis of 037621d90b5f3673834287d2f87d4c5a014ccad50a973d3b8c6aa5b94c30a537e7@ bitcoinitaliapodcast

We found 1 possible zombie channels you can close

Best potential peers for this node ranked after score

Peers that might be zombies

# springcleaning! be craeful!!! 
# the nodes are sorted depending on when they were last seen, oldest one first
# there are two sections, one for lnd and one for c-lightning 
# use at your own risk. or don't

#03e4e2b04ad857e93d195acda767cc7f7671a66fa87075c16f4697714c2228cb3b BitBag 26 days offline
lncli closechannel --force e23cfd7bb59dea3ad5f2f6daf56b209bddec2867efcb1b472f6f8757a27791a7 0

#03e4e2b04ad857e93d195acda767cc7f7671a66fa87075c16f4697714c2228cb3b BitBag 26 days offline
lightning-cli close 03e4e2b04ad857e93d195acda767cc7f7671a66fa87075c16f4697714c2228cb3b 60