Need better connectivity?
Enter your nodeid below. Our server will search the network for public nodes that gives you best additional reach with respect to your already existing channels. It does not take capacities or balances into account, but focuses in maximizing the number of nodes reached in a minimal number of hops.
This only works for public nodes.
Analysis of 03b2aade3258e971000ec9e1eaf4fd3261ceb4a0d608bf7d78a0c4c0299f81aeaf@ 03b2aade3258e971000e
We found 1 possible zombie channels you can closeBest potential peers for this node ranked after score
Peers that might be zombies
# springcleaning! be craeful!!! # # # the nodes are sorted depending on when they were last seen, oldest one first # # there are two sections, one for lnd and one for c-lightning # # use at your own risk. or don't # # #lnd #036d2ac71176151db04fdac839a0ddea9f3a584f6c23bb0b4ac72c323124ec506b carrot no fresh records of being online lncli closechannel --force cd08bb1201a3509da7d1e159d6c0a76e43213168267d72c4a5f86b3ba2d4a563 1 #c-lightning #036d2ac71176151db04fdac839a0ddea9f3a584f6c23bb0b4ac72c323124ec506b carrot no fresh records of being online lightning-cli close 036d2ac71176151db04fdac839a0ddea9f3a584f6c23bb0b4ac72c323124ec506b 60